
So often we find it difficult to leave the worries and stress of the day behind us. Even after weve decompressed at home, had family time and crawled into bed, it can be truly a daunting task to calm the mind. This can result in sleepless nights that only lead to grumpy mornings and unproductive days. Ease your mind and have a better, more refreshing sleep with 5 easy yoga poses.

1.     Bridge Pose

Bridge pose creates an inversion of the body, and can often produce stress relief and improve circulation. This pose opens the chest and will give your chest muscles a nice stretch.

2.     Half Lotus Forward Fold

This position will stretch out your outer hips as well as your glutes. When folding forward, really try to melt into the pose and allow your mind to become quiet.

3.     Spine Twist

This will provide a gentle twist felt throughout the back and can be incredibly relaxing. Do your best to keep your mind quiet and calm.

4.     Standing Forward Bend

Not only is this position excellent for receiving headaches and lowering stress levels, but many yogis also claim that it is powerful in reducing insomnia.

5.     Savasana

This is the ultimate pose to get your body ready for sleep mode. Focus your attention on your body and your breathing. At this point, you should be able to let your worries of the day go!


What are your favourite yoga positions before bed? Share them with us on Twitter!

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