Why You Should Not Skip Breakfast

Did you eat breakfast this morning? Be honest! Did you really set aside the time to eat a nutritious meal before you started your day?



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If you answered yes to the above question, that’s great. You’re one of few people who realize the importance of breakfast. It truly is “the most important meal of the day”.

Many people skip breakfast because they feel like they don’t have enough time in the morning. They wake up, get ready and run out the door, sometimes without even a swig of orange juice or a bite of a bagel. If you’re guilty of this, it’s time for you to make a change.

Did you know that those who skip breakfast tend to eat significantly more at their next meal? Those who take the time to eat a morning meal actually weigh less than breakfast skippers, as they eat less during the day and make better food choices. In addition to weight control, eating breakfast means that you’ll have a more nutritious diet, more strength, and improved concentration and performance. Haven’t you noticed that you’re a little crankier when you’re hungry? Nobody likes to be around miserable people. Eat breakfast and you’ll find that you’ll be much more positive!


Why Quotes Inspire Us

“Life is a journey, not a destination” – Steven Tyler

Have you ever wondered why we like quotes so much? It always seems as though we read them when we need them the most. Ever read a quote and felt as though it spoke to you? You’re not the only one. Many of us can admit that we’ve read words or heard a song that felt as though it was written just for us.

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We like quotes as well, which you’ve probably already noticed from our Facebook page. Each week, we share positive quotes to help give you a little bit of motivation and positivity for your day. We know that sometimes you just need that extra boost, and that reading the right quote at the right time can really help.

Why are quotes so popular, though? If you go on Pinterest, you can find millions of quotes about virtually any topic, with tons of repins (We also have a board on Pinterest where you can find a number of quotes about Happiness!). So, why do they inspire us? Sometimes we’re not always able to put how we’re feeling into words. We know that we feel mad or upset, but we can’t quite figure out exactly how to put it into words. Quotes compartmentalize particular values and wisdoms that are relatable. We may have a million thoughts running through our head, but a quote is able to fit all of your emotions into one simple sentence. When we come across that perfect song lyric or quote, it can have the power to stop us in our tracks and make us reflect on our life.

What’s your favourite quote? Leave a comment below or share it with us on Facebook!

The Benefits of Working on Side Projects

In a recent Fast Company article, the author discussed side projects, and how they can be extremely beneficial, especially for our creativity. We’ve talked about finding a hobby in one of our previous blog posts, as it can help you to achieve a work/life balance. With all the demands of everyday life, sometimes you need to take a break and focus on something that isn’t work-related.

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It is possible to have both a hobby and a side project. When we talk about a hobby, we typically refer to sports or a leisurely activity such as reading. Hobbies are usually long-term with no particular output. However, when you work on a side project, you tend to work towards a finished product.

Whether you choose to pursue a hobby, a side project, or both, having something else to do besides work allows for self-discovery. This is why Google implemented the 20% rule. They want their employees to spend 20% of their time doing non-work related activities, as it will make them more productive for the remainder 80% of the time. Consider trying to implement such a rule for yourself, if possible.

So, what type of side project could you work on?

  • Write a book
  • Start an online store
  • Teach a class
  • Renovate your home

Do you have a side project? Let us know on Twitter or our Facebook page!

Making The Most of Your Commute

Sometimes we don’t always have a choice as to where we work, and this can mean that we spend a significant amount of our time each day commuting. Whether it’s by bus, train, or car, it’s often the part of the day that we dread the most. It’s even worse when we encounter unexpected delays.



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After a while, commuting can really begin to take a toll on your body, especially if you find yourself spending over 2 hours a day going to and from work.

Here are some of the disadvantages of long-term commuting:

-          Decline of happiness and life satisfaction

-          Blood pressure spikes

-          Less sleep

-          Increased back aches

After reading this, you may not be able to completely change your daily routine, as you have to get to work, but it doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of it. If you begin to use the time productively, you’ll find that you may even begin to enjoy your daily commute! Here are some ideas for using the time effectively:

  1. Reflect – think about yesterday or the day ahead of you – are there any changes you would like to make?
  2. Listen to music or audio books
  3. Create a to-do list – plan out your day or even week and you’ll enter the office feeling super organized
  4. Sleep – of course, you can’t be doing this if you’re behind the wheel, but if you’re a passenger, take the time to catch up on those Zzz’s
  5. Play games that will help your mind

Commuting doesn’t have to be the worst part of your day. Remember, you’re in charge of your happiness. If you’re not happy with your current daily routine, change it!

The Happiest Countries in the World

Are YOU happy?

According to a recent Ipsos Mori survey of 16,000 people, 77% of people worldwide are happy. Of all the countries polled, Sweden was found to be the happiest.


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The study also provides interesting insight into the role of technology. Although many participants said that technology is more of a solution than a problem, they admitted that they crave a simpler lifestyle. They are tired of constantly looking at a screen, whether it’s a phone or a computer, and would prefer a simpler, slower lifestyle. In addition, majority of surveyed participants responded that the world is changing too fast.

Achieving a work/life balance can be difficult, especially if you live in North America where many often feel like they have to be ‘on’ 24/7. It’s no surprise that a European country such as Sweden tops the list. Europeans, generally, work less hours and have more vacation time. France also recently proposed for employees to turn off their work email after 6pm.

Do you feel like you’re part of the minority that isn’t happy, all things considered? You’re not alone. If you have a demanding job, it can seem impossible to find time for yourself. Happiness isn’t completely unattainable for you, though. If you always have a tight schedule full of meetings and appointments, schedule some downtime in your calendar. This will force you to make time for it, and it can be a nice break if you’ve forgotten that you have planned for it.

Do you live in one of the happiest countries? How do you feel about these survey results? Would you prefer to live in a slower, simpler society, or do you like the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Share your thoughts with us on our Facebook page!


Source: The Guardian


Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient art and science that was developed thousands of years ago in China. Essentially, Feng Shui is all about acquiring a balance between your human existence and the environment around you.

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There are two main forces:

Yin – characterized by quietness, coolness and stillness (rest)

Yang – characterized by loudness, heat and activity (action)

In order to live an optimal life and obtain Qi (prounounced ‘chee’), we must find a balance between the two forces through living in harmony with our environment.

As we briefly discussed in our previous post about Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi is an energy that flows through the body, and is critical in maintaining health. Without a healthy balance of yin and yang, your Qi will be off-balance, which leads to poor physical and psychological health.

To keep your Qi in optimal health, you can apply Feng Shui principles to your home.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Position your bed so it’s as far away from your door as possible, but still allows you to watch the room’s entrance. This gives you a sense of safety and allows you to sleep more peacefully
  2. Stay away from corners and go for the curves -  Tables with sharp edges create a sharp and tense environment
  3. Reduce your clutter! A clean and organized room prevents you from feeling overwhelmed and confused. This includes the spaces you don’t easily see, such as closets. Every space, whether hidden by a door or not, should be organized
  4. Decorate with warm, calming colours – Dark, bland colours will create a dark and unhappy mood in your room

Revitalizing your life begins with revitalizing your home spaces! Do you practice Feng Shui? Leave a comment below and let us know!

National Happiness Happens Day

You must be wondering – what is National Happiness Happens Day?

In 1998, a group of people founded the Secret Society of Happy People (yes, that’s a thing!) to encourage people to celebrate and recognize the happiness in their daily life.

It can be very easy to get caught up in the demands of everyday life. Whether it’s work, school, taking care of children (or maybe it’s all three!), these responsibilities can become so routine and tiring that we tend to have little time for personal happiness. Truth is, happiness does not just happen. We don’t just wake up, jump out of bed and go through our day being 100% happy. Happiness has to be worked at.

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The purpose of National Happiness Happens Day is to persuade people to look on the brighter side of life. No matter what we’re going through in life, there’s always a silver lining. Even through the toughest times, it’s still possible to smile.

Here are our top ten suggestions for making the most of National Happiness Happens Day:

  1. Plan something fun and exciting for after work
  2. Go on a weekend getaway
  3. Hang out with friends and family
  4. Watch a funny movie
  5. Take a nap
  6. Make someone else happy – surprise a family member or friend
  7. Spend time outdoors
  8. Play with your pet
  9. Do something creative or artistic
  10. Eat your favourite food

Excited for tomorrow? Make sure you share with us how you spend your Happiness Happens Day. Take a picture or video and post it on our Facebook page! Share your happiness with the world!

Still need some inspiration? If you haven’t already – check out Pharrell Williams’ ‘Happy’ music video. If his song doesn’t instantly boost your mood, we don’t know what will!



National Simplify Your Life Week

The first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week, a week for you to de-stress and re-organize. When we’re busy, it can be hard to find the time to sit down and take a breather. When you’re stressed and disorganized, it makes you unhappy, and most likely not a positive person to be around. However, once you take the time to simplify your life, you’ll instantly be happier and more positive.

A simplified week looks different to all of us, but it’s about finding what works and what keeps you stress-free.

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What can you do to make your life simpler? Get started with these tips:

  1. Plan your day the night before
  2. Cook in bulk
  3. Keep a to-do list
  4. Have a designated space for everything
  5. Learn to say “no”
  6. Use a calendar
  7. De-clutter your home

Put a plan in place that works for you, and stick to it! You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what a positive impact it will have on your everyday life.