Tag Archives: headache relief

How to Relieve Headache Pain Naturally

Do you suffer from headaches? These annoying pains are not only painful, but can also get in between you and a great day! Thankfully, there are actually a variety of ways that you can work to relieve headaches naturally and get on with enjoying your life. Don’t let headaches throw you off balance, read on and find out how you can clear your mind and feel better!

natural remedy headache

Common Types of Headaches

Before you find out how you can relieve your achy brain, you should figure out which kind of headache you are suffering from. These are the three types of headaches that people experience most commonly (although there are other types out there):

-        Cluster Headaches: These are one of the most painful types of headaches and are usually distinguished by a pattern of sharp pain. Cluster headaches can sometimes manifest for long periods of time, but are not life threatening despite the severe pain that they cause.

-        Migraine: You’ve probably heard the name of this type of headache before, but you may not know exactly what it means. Migraines are extremely intense and can last for hours at time – severe migraines can even cause vomiting and sensitivity to light. During a migraine, a sufferer typically experiences a painful pulsating sensation on one side of their head, however in some cases the sensation is experienced all over. Migraines are very powerful and can leave you unable to perform regular tasks.

-        Tension Headaches: These headaches are much less painful when compared to cluster headaches or migraines and they are also the most common type. Tension headaches normally involve a constant dull pain and a feeling of pressure around the head.


Headaches can happen due to a wide variety of influences, but there are some factors which have been known to cause them more frequently, including:

-        Dehydration

-        Anxiety

-        Stress

-        Fatigue

-        Food and drink sensitivities

-        Strong smells

-        Illness


So how do you treat your headaches and prevent them from coming back naturally? It’s easy! Just follow these simple steps:

-        Get More Rest: This one is huge. Since fatigue is a common cause of headaches, getting to sleep earlier or even just taking a nap can work wonders to relieve that gnawing pain.

-        Don’t Skip Meals: No one wants to feel hungry and feeling hungry with a headache is even worse. Try to eat several smaller meals throughout the day or take a midday snack with you to work or school to avoid that afternoon pain.

-        Relax: Headaches are often a symptom of working too hard or overexerting yourself. Have a warm bath or a hot shower – just take it easy! Pushing yourself even harder will just leave you frustrated and in even more pain than you were before. Stress is a huge factor when it comes to causing headaches as well, so take your mind off of work and find time to center yourself.

-        Drink More Water: Hydration is key to staying headache-free. Although it can be tough to remember to drink water all day, bringing a water bottle with you everywhere is a great way to remind yourself. Try drinking a full glass before every meal as well to make sure you’re always getting the hydration that your body needs.

-        Stay Healthy: Living a healthy lifestyle should always be your goal, but here’s one more thing to motivate you on your journey: headache relief. Keeping fit and maintaining a healthy diet is great for preventing headaches from coming back.

-        Don’t Overdo Screen Time: Have you heard of eyestrain? It’s a common problem that can occur when using computers or smartphones for elongated periods of times. And guess what: one of its main side effects is headaches! Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away from your computer screen for 20 seconds. It will definitely help!

-        Pay Attention to What You’re Eating: Believe it or not, but what you eat can have a huge impact on head pain. If you notice that you get achy after eating certain foods then try to avoid that food as much as possible.

-        Drink Coffee: Even though withdrawal from caffeine dependency can often result in headaches, drinking a cup of coffee when you feel a headache coming on can actually reduce the pain that you’re experiencing.

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