Tag Archives: natural

The Best Herbs For Pain Relief

Those who suffer from an injury or chronic pain will know how it feels to have tried almost everything to relieve their pain. Every medication, special mattress, wrap, and back support that is on the market (or so it seems!). An interesting alternative is working these marvelous pain-relieving herbs into your cooking. Feel better – naturally!


Ginger: Long used in Chinese culture, ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Also used to calm and settle upset stomachs, ginger is incredible for reducing osteoarthritic pain!

Red Pepper: Including both cayenne and chili, you’d never guess that red peppers are a crucial and often overlooked component of pain relief. Red pepper can help, as when a heat increase is felt in the body, VR1 (the body’s vanillin receptor 1) changes its shape and signals nerve cells to feel heat as well, fooling the brain into relieving your pain signals.

Oregano: Oregano is a triple threat in that it is anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Long used in the Mediterranean for its natural healing properties, many who suffer from muscle spasms or arthritis swear by it!

Clove: If you have sensitive teeth and suffer from toothaches, look no further. Cloves are frequently a main ingredient in many dental products intended for pain relief. This is because cloves are host to numerous antiseptic, anti fungal and anesthetic properties.

Liquorice: Not the type that your Grandma kept in her candy bowl, liquorice is a longtime source of pain relief. In addition to blocking and preventing inflammation, liquorice has also been known to quell anxiety and nervous disorders.


What will you be whipping up tonight with your newly learned arsenal of natural, pain reliving herbs? Share your recipes with us on our Facebook page!

Banishing Anxiety Without Medication

In today’s world, it seems as though our entire lives exist within the realm of our smartphones and computers. We are continually checking our gadgets for updates on what our friends are doing, who commented on our picture, and if work has sent a new e-mail. This constant inundation of information is enough to drive anyone crazy; so it should come as no surprise that people today are more stressed and anxious than ever before. While medication is a viable option for some to ease their anxiety, it certainly isn’t for everyone. Many people who have tried anti-anxiety medications complain of feeling groggy and almost zombie-like. So what are the alternatives? We’ve put together some holistic approaches to help banish your anxiety without medication!

qray depression


(Un) Social Butterfly

While social media is a guilty pleasure for almost everyone, the social anxiety that accompanies it can often wreak havoc on our nerves. From stumbling across an old flame’s vacation pictures, to having an acquaintance write a critical comment on an article you shared, social media can be an emotional minefield. The communication aspect of technology poses a whole other realm of anxiety. Waiting to hear back after a first date, office communication, and attempting to make group plans is just another layer of anxiety that technology provides. Navigating our many devices and social media accounts tends to be taxing to our well-being and general sense of calm. While some may suggest going on a ‘tech-detox’, this may not be the best approach for everyone. In taking a large chunk of time tech-free, you’re likely to have increased anxiety wondering about missed calls, unanswered e-mails, or unliked posts. Instead, try to abstain from checking your phone or computer for small increments of time. Start with 15 minutes, and slowly leave more and more time before checking your devices.

Get on Up

The benefits of regular exercise are numerous! A Princeton study has shown that physical activity creates excitable neurons in the hippocampus, an area of the brain that is involved in thinking, memories, and emotional responses. Furthermore, the study showed that exercise is able to reduce anxiety in both humans and animals. Researchers were able to determine this by conducting a study on runners and sedentary mice. The comparison revealed that runners’ brains were bursting with new, excitable neurons, while the mice’s brains did not. Of these new neurons in the runners’ brains, a number of them released the neurotransmitter GABA, which essentially prevents too many neurons in the brain from firing, thereby keeping you calm. Aside from the scientific aspects of working out, exercise can help you reach goals, gain confidence, increase your social interactions, and cope in a positive way! So the next time you have a big deadline or a fight with your partner, go out and take a lap around your neighbourhood!

Sit Still

As important as it is to be active and get your brain firing anxiety-reducing neurons, it’s also important to find your calm. Although, as prior noted, being active is an incredible outlet for those who suffer from anxiety, it’s important to be able to manage your stress and emotions. Sitting still during an anxious episode will force you to focus on your thoughts, mental state, and relaxation techniques. If you’ve never practiced any type of meditation before, there are a few things to know. Meditation can be as simple as sitting in a quiet, comfortable place. Simply focus on the act of breathing and controlling your breath. Deep breathing and meditation go hand in hand, and developing a rhythm will help your body to achieve a meditative state. Meditation does not give instant results, it takes dedication and perseverance, so dedicate yourself to mindfulness and you will get better at controlling and calming your mind!

Write It Out

One of the best ways to understand the millions of thoughts running through your head is to chronicle them. Having an ongoing record of how you felt on certain days and how things impacted you is a great way to help understand who we are. Make this a fun venture by picking out a beautiful notebook. Then, write everyday for about 20 minutes cataloging your day and your thoughts. Ask yourself, what am I telling myself? How anxious do I feel today? What triggered my anxiety? On a scale of 1-10, how bad is my anxiety? Even if it initially feels awkward and forced, developing the habit of writing will help you to understand the connection between your thoughts and your anxiety.

If you’re constantly looking ways to improve yourself and your wellbeing, we encourage you to learn more about the QRay difference

Older Men Drinking Water After Exercise Healthy Living

Why You Should Drink More Water

Are you feeling tired, sore, and uncomfortable in your own skin? Believe it or not, the source of your problems may be that you aren’t drinking enough water. Staying hydrated has a wide variety of health benefits that can help you feel refreshed and improve your mood. To better understand the advantages of drinking more water, we’ve put together a helpful guide to improving your life with H20. It’s easy – just add water!

Feel Energized

One of the most noticeable signs of dehydration is feeling sluggish and fatigued. Water can give you a quick energy boost and bring you back to a normal level of alertness.

Control Your Weight

You may have heard this one before, but water is great for helping you control your calorie intake! Your body often can’t tell the difference between hunger and thirst, so sometimes drinking a big glass of water can help you feel fuller. Replacing drinks like juice and soda with water can also help you cut down on unnecessary calories.


Drinking more water can help your body push out more toxins and waste by encouraging sweating and urination. This can also help reduce the risk of nasty problems like kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

Rejuvenate Your Skin

By staying hydrated, your skin will feel moisturized and fresh which will give you a youthful glow. A great way to easily look and feel younger!

Regulate Digestion

Water is a key part of the digestive process and can help keep things running smoothly. Improve the health of your gastrointestinal tract and prevent constipation by having a tall glass right now!

Relieve Aches and Pains

Headaches, migraines, joint pain, and back pain are all common side effects of dehydration. If you feel any aches starting to come on, start drinking up before it gets worse!

Have any more questions about how water can help you feel healthier? Don’t be afraid to ask!

Living Stress-Free Reading Alone Time

Simple Ways to Live a Stress-Free Life

It’s no secret: our lives are more stressful than ever. Modern society can be noisy, hectic, and overwhelming, but you shouldn’t let it get to you. Even though some stress can be unavoidable, there are many ways that you can change your habits to help you better deal with whatever life throws at you. Take a look at these simple, straightforward methods for living a more stress-free life!

Be an Early Riser

You already know that the early bird gets the worm, but did you know that the early bird also leads a less stressful life? Give yourself an extra 15 minutes in the morning to relax, read the news, catch up on social media, and think about your day. Leaving the house in a rush always starts your day off on the wrong foot, so walk out the door feeling calm and balanced instead. Your day will reflect your mood!

Stay Organized

Organized people are just people who are too lazy to go looking for something later! Keep all of your things in order and you won’t have to experience the stress of searching for them in the future. That old saying rings true: a clear desk is a clear mind! Keep both your workspace and your living space organized to feel more relaxed and in control.

Start a Hobby

Hobbies are not only a fun pastime, but also a great way to get your mind focused on things other than the stressors in your life. Try playing guitar, gardening, or painting – any activity that feels meaningful to you! You’ll find yourself feeling more fulfilled, at ease, and with less time to fret over unnecessary anxieties.

Exercise More

Exercise is great for your mind and even better for your body. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but you will also have a worthwhile distraction from your daily worries. Exercise also releases natural endorphins that will lift your mood and give you a more positive outlook on life!

Set Aside Alone Time

It can be difficult to get away from the hustle and bustle of modern life, but it’s extremely important to set time aside for yourself. Always focusing on the needs of others can be a stressful experience, so make sure you schedule yourself a bit of alone time to relax and think about your needs everyday.

How do you deal with your daily stress? Let us know below or share your tips with us on Facebook!

Active Older Couple

Improve Your Memory by Avoiding These Habits

Do you have trouble remembering your new coworker’s name? Do you ever forget your best friends’ birthdays? Do you find it difficult to keep track of important appointments? Poor memory can be extremely frustrating, but it turns out that your memory is heavily influenced by your habits. Certain behaviors can actually have a negative impact on how quickly and easily your brain stores memories! We’ve put together a quick guide to some of the bad habits which cause you to have the most trouble remembering things. Avoid doing these and you might find that your memory will be better than ever before!

Not Sleeping Enough

There is a strong relationship between sleep and memory. While you sleep, the areas of your brain which control your memory are actively forging new connections to strengthen the memories which you made during the day. If you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, your brain will not be able to solidify your memories in the same way, and you may end up forgetting important things that you were supposed to remember the next morning.


Smoking has been linked to a decrease in memory since it reduces blood flow to the brain and can affect the flow of information. If you’re a smoker and having difficulty remembering things, you should definitely quit. You should quit smoking anyway as we all know the many health problems that it can cause!

Inactive Lifestyle

Exercise is a fantastic way to make you more alert and sharpen your mind. Physical activity can positively affect your brain by encouraging cell growth and improving your mood and sleep patterns. Exercising more can seriously improve your memory, so get active!

Poor Diet

Eating lots of greasy and fatty foods is not only bad for your heart and body, but also your mind. A poor diet can create all sorts of problems for you, but its negative effect on your brain function is the worst when it comes to your memory. Try to eat cleaner and increase your intake of vitamin B12 to boost your memory. Vitamin B12 is found in great foods like shellfish, eggs, and dairy and can improve your sleep and help you remember things.

Have any more questions about how to sharpen your memory? Let us now on Facebook or Twitter!