Tag Archives: wellness

Wellness Guru: Why Massages Are Great For Your Health

Getting a massage is one of the most relaxing and luxurious experiences you can have. The dim lighting, soft music, and soothing voice of a talented masseuse all work in conjunction to help create optimal relaxation conditions. In addition to the pleasure we get from giving ourselves a much deserved treat, there are a few unexpected benefits as well!

Massage QRay

Counter Balance

If you sit at your desk all day, you may not realize the negative impact it’s having on your body. The human form isn’t intended to sit upright for extended periods of time – especially if you’re not getting additional exercise! A fantastic way to counteract the daily stress of a desk job is by scheduling massages. This will help to release the stress that builds up in your shoulders and neck. So go ahead, treat yourself!

Feel Better

A medical study shows that women who had regular massages while suffering from breast cancer were actually less depressed. Participants suffered from less anxiety and pain while experiencing more vigor and higher dopamine levels!


Sweet Dreams

There is an unsurprising connection between pain and sleep deprivation. Not only can pain prevent you from sleeping well, but your body also does not receive the necessary sleep time to restore and heal. Massage triggers your body’s parasympathetic “rest and relax” system, the system opposite to fight or flight. Massage combats both mental and physical stress making it easier to sleep and for your body to heal.

Blood Pressure

Just as the body’s parasympathetic helps your body to heal and relax, it also helps to restore balance and homeostasis. Though temporary, this can have powerful effects on the body and the heart!

So go ahead and schedule that massage! Not only is it an incredibly relaxing treat, but now you know that it’s actually good for you as well! What’s another way to improve your body’s wellness? A QRay bracelet!

6 Must-Read Books For A Healthy Mind

Reading helps to expand your mind and escape into a different realm for a period of time. Whether it’s your favourite work of fiction or a biography of someone you admire, reading is such a relaxing activity. Reading can also educate you and open your mind to new concepts that can help to transform your life. In pursuit of a healthy mind, here are 6 books that we highly recommend.

6 Must-Read Books For A Healthy Mind

  1. Wherever You Go, There You Are – Jon Kabat-Zinn

Wherever You Go, There You Are serves as a simple guide for meditation and cultivating mindfulness. This book is useful for those not only new to meditation, but those who have been lifelong practitioners as well. Help to reclaim the fullness of your moments and learn to appreciate the little things once again.


  1. Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within – Osho

This book essentially serves as a manual for those seeking to infuse more creativity and whimsy back into their lives. It is a sort of guidebook for ‘thinking outside the box’ and applying flexibility to all areas of your life.


  1. The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are – Brené Brown

We’re constantly being bombarded with images from the media telling us how to look, what to buy and what is acceptable. This book will help you to cultivate a strong sense of self and learn to tune out the personally diminishing messages that the media spews.


  1. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment – Eckhart Tolle

This powerful book has sold over 2 millioncopies and has been translated into more than 30 languages. In Tolle’s book you’ll learn to combat your mind and effectively work towards enlightenment.


  1. Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom – Rick Hanson

Buddha’s brain discusses the notion that great thinkers such as Buddha, Moses and Jesus were all born with brains like everyone else’s. How did these great men leverage their brainpower to achieve such great feats and change history? The book combines neuroscience and age-old insights to help you condition your brain for greater happiness, love and even wisdom


  1. In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto – Michael Pollan

Pollan’s ‘manifesto’ looks at the trend of eating to lose weight and consuming as few calories as possible, and instead promotes eating to be healthy and also enjoy food. He teaches us to choose food that will enrich our lives and teach us what it actually means to be healthy.


What books have helped you reach enlightenment and find a sense of personal wellness? We’d love for you to share them with us! Let us know on our Facebook page.

A Brief History Of The Development Of Yoga

Though yoga has become a household word with millions across the world practicing and swearing by its positive benefits, how much do we really know? Yoga has a long and rich history dating back to approximately 5000 years ago. Despite many attempts to grasp the roots of yoga, much of its beginnings are shrouded in mystery. What is known; however, is that it originated in India. Formerly, it was believed that yoga was developed around 500BC, during the time when Buddha would have lived. Experts now believe that it is likely yoga has been around for around 5000 years on account of an archaeological dig in the 1920s where they found remains of the Indus civilization, and in uncovering many precious relics, stumbled upon soapstone seals that very much resemble yogi-like figures.


There are 4 categories that the history of yoga can be divided up into:

Vedic Yoga: Vedic is a combination of the Sanskrit words ‘veda’ which means knowledge, and ‘rig’ (from ric) which means praise. This is the oldest concept of yoga and is sometimes referred to as ‘archaic yoga.’ We know that this form of yoga was deeply imbedded in the lives of Indians. Its purpose revolved around the practice of joining the material world with that of the spirit world. In order to achieve this, those practicing had to focus their minds for extended periods of time so that they could transcend the limitations of the ordinary mind. If the person practicing was successful, they would be blessed with a vision or some sort of transcendental episode.

Preclassical: Still closely associated with the concept of Vedic yoga, this period saw the development of many texts describing and outlining the beliefs and nature of yoga and yogic living. The two most prominent being Brâhmanas and Âranyakas. The Brâhmanas are Sanskrit texts explaining the Vedic hymns and the rituals behind them. The Âranyakas are ritual texts specific to those who chose to live in seclusion in a forest hermitage.This period also saw the development of preclassical schools that created many techniques for achieving deep meditation through which yogis can transcend the body.

Classical Yoga: Classical yoga is the eightfold yoga, also known as Râja-Yoga, which was taught by Patanjali, whom many incorrectly referred to as the father of yoga. This is not to diminish his role in the development and spreading of yoga, as he was a revered teacher and believed that everyone is comprised of both matter and spirit.

Postclassical Yoga: This category is incredibly expansive on account of it encompassing all of the types of yoga that have developed since Patanjali. Postclassical yoga, unlike classical yoga, affirms the ultimate unification of everything. This means that in postclassical yogic thinking, you, we, and everyone or everything else is an aspect or expression of one and the same reality. A very interesting fact that many may be surprised to learn is that previous forms of yoga paid almost no attention to the body, but rather solely focused on the mind. The goal before was to leave the world behind and merge with the spirit. This new, postclassical yoga was created in order to rejuvenate the body and prolong ones life.

The most recent developments in yoga were thought to occur in 1893, when a renowned Indian Swami made a profound impact on the American public. He travelled throughout the U.S., and in doing so, attracted many people to the benefits of yoga. From then on, many more came to the U.S. and spread the word of yoga, in addition to publishing many works that were easily digestible for Westerners. It was then in the early 1900s that medical research began on yoga, and yoga studios and worship centres began to pop up all over the place!

Do you have any interesting facts on the history of yoga? We’d love to learn more! Share them with us on Facebook! In addition to practicing yoga, contribute to your overall wellness with a QRay bracelet!

5 Tranquil Places To Inspire Zen

A picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes a picture is also enough to inspire none. Sometimes the mere glance at a tranquil space, a calm pond, or a lush forest is enough to quiet the mind. In saying that, we’d like to share 5 tranquil places that we feel will inspire an inner state of Zen.

  1. The sun setting on a beachy paradise


  1. Mossy rocks embedded in a beautiful glassy ocean


  1. A cotton candy sky nirvana


  1. A sleepy mountain in the background of a lake of glass


  1. A sailboat slowly adrift into the setting sun

869d36ca297931af6cda57ea9474dc7f     Do you have a favorite tranquil image? Share it with us! To learn more about the benefits of QRay on your well-being, click here.

How To Balance Your Chakras

According to ancient Buddhist beliefs, chakras are considered to be energy sources within the body. The word ‘chakra’is Sanskrit and literally means‘wheel’or ‘disk’. Chakras are said to be centres in our body through which energy flow. They are located at the base of the spine and go all the way up to the crown of the head. Each chakra is a motor and relates to a different area of our life, personality and wellbeing. For each of the 7 chakras, there is a delicate balance to maintain in order to ensure both happiness and satisfaction. Should you find any one of these chakras imbalanced, try these rebalancing techniques:


Root Chakra

Located in the base of your spine, the root chakra is associated with the feeling of comfort. It encompasses the first three vertebrae as well as the bladder and the colon. When this chakra is open, you feel safe and calm. If you find this chakra imbalanced, surround yourself with the color red to rebalance it. Try the stones of garnet and hematite or the aromas of cinnamon, patchouli, nutmeg and ginger.


Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is located below the navel and above the pubic bone. This chakra correlates with feelings and intimacy. If you find yourself hypersensitive or overemotional, this may mean your chakra is overactive. Conversely, if you have issues with attachment, intimacy and expressing emotion, it may be underactive. Under activity may also be expressed through depression, eating disorders and asthma. If you find this chakra to be imbalanced, surround yourself with the color orange. Try the stones carnelian and orange calcite and the aromas of sandalwood, orange and geranium.

Detailed and colorful image of carnelian mineral

Naval Chakra

The naval chakra is located just above the belly button at the lower abdomen. This chakra corresponds to self-confidence and ego. If you find yourself to be an aggressive and rather domineering personality type, it is likely that your naval chakra is overactive. Ulcers, extreme anxiety, as well as digestive issues are all indicators of an imbalanced naval chakra. Should you find this chakra to be imbalanced, try the following: surround yourself with the colour yellow with the stones of yellow jasper and citrine and the aromas of myrrh, frankincense and lemon.

Gold Frankincense and Myrrh

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located exactly where you’d imagine – in the center of one’s chest. This chakra pertains kindness, affection and love. When open, you are compassionate and effective at creating and maintaining relationships. When closed, one tends to be distant and cold. If you believe this chakra to be imbalanced, surround yourself with the following with the colour green, such as the stones of rose quartz and jade as well as the aromas of rosemary, peppermint and tea tree.

Fresh herbs

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra, located in the throat, deals with communication and self-expression. When open, you have no issues with self-expression and effectively communicate and listen with peers. If closed, you may have issues expressing yourself and opening up. Should you find this chakra to become imbalanced, surround yourself with the following: the colour blue, such as the stones of turquoise and blue calcite as well as the aromas of lavender, geranium and chamomile.

blue calcite

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows, deals with inner wisdom, insight and the ability to connect with the outer universe. While open you are able to connect with your intuition and imagination. When your third eye chakra is closed, you may rely heavily on others and suffer from great confusion. If you believe this chakra has become imbalanced, surround yourself with shades of indigo, the stone azurite and the aromas of vanilla, orange or lemon.


Crown Chakra

The seventh and final chakra, the crown chakra, also known as the ‘thousand petal lotus’, is located at the very top of the head. This chakra regards enlightenment and connection with our higher self as well as the divine. If this chakra has become imbalanced, surround yourself with the colour violet, the stones of amethyst or white topaz and the scents of ylang-ylang and jasmine.

Minerals and crystals - Amethyst

Do you have your own remedies to balance your chakras? Share them with us on our Facebook page!

How To Go From 10 To Zen

Your daily life is busy and your mind is often crowded with useless stress. A messy mind and thought process often prevent us from being our happiest and most content self. In order to quiet your mind and calm your soul, here is a checklist to go from 10 to Zen:

  1. Let go of comparing
  2. Let go of competing
  3. Let go of judgments
  4. Let go of anger
  5. Let go of regrets
  6. Let go of worrying
  7. Let go of blame
  8. Let go of guilt
  9. Let go of fear
  10. Have a proper belly laugh at least once a day (especially if it’s about your inability to let go of any of the above)

Try it out for yourself and let us know how it works for you!

Your 2015 Guide to Unplugging


Often times we’re so plugged into what’s going on with our Smartphone, tablet, laptop (or all of the above) that we miss out on what’s going on in our actual lives. Make 2015 a year where you don’t care how many likes your Instagram posts receive, how many people retweeted your dinner last night, or just the general noise and constant bombardment that the Internet endlessly supplies. Here is your guide to unplugging in 2015:

Why You Should Unplug

You might be asking yourself, do I really need to unplug this year? Or better yet, do I really want to? We’re here to tell you yes! Give your mind a break. Do you really need to see Becky’s brunch photos? Do you really need to know the top 5 cats doing crazy things underwater (or something equally as ridiculous)? No, you don’t. Your mind is being swamped with continual, useless information. Unplugging from this seemingly endless stream of nonsense will enable your mind to be quiet. It’s important to be alone with your thoughts and in turn, get to know yourself better. Whether you realize it or not, your phone can be an unwelcome third wheel when spending time with friends, family and other loved ones. By putting the Internet away in all forms, you can encourage stronger and overall more fulfilling relationships. Lastly, setting a ‘tech-curfew’ will enable you to get a better and more satisfying sleep. Staring at bright screens tricks your brain into thinking that it’s not actually night time, and will keep you up later, producing a cranky version of yourself come the morning!

How To Unplug

So now you’re thinking, “Being available and easy to reach is an integral part of my livelihood, I can’t just shut off technology.” The answer to this is prioritizing, and here’s how to do it:

  • Email: It’s all about organizing. All of the spammy, fluffy restaurant deals, clothing sales and whatnot – shuffle them into your spam folder or create a separate folder that is not feeding into your main inbox. If you’re going on vacation, take a vacation from e-mails as well. It’s fairly simple to add an automatic vacation / out-of-office response. Add the date you will be coming back and someone else that they can reach should their matter be time sensitive. This way you can have a streamlined inbox of what matters and also actually enjoy your vacation!
  • Phone: Simplicity is key. How often are you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media sites when you’re on your tablet, laptop or desktop? Probably a lot. Do you really need all of these apps on your phone as well? If you find yourself constantly using an app that’s really not providing any use, just delete it! If you’re going to be checking it on your laptop later in the day or after work or school, wait until then! Also, did you know that most smartphones have a ‘do not disturb’ option? This handy little feature will silence all incoming calls and alerts while the feature is turned on!

Now that you’ve been enlightened with all of this useful information, it’s time to set some ground-rules. Here are some tips we encourage to ensure you’re just the right amount unplugged to start living in the real world again:

  • No phones in bed! Leave it to charge somewhere other than the bedroom
  • Set a firm tech curfew – (no cheating!)
  • Focus on who is in front of you – set simple rules when with family or friends such as ‘no phones at the table’
  • Take a break – if you’re going for a walk, to the gym, or to meet a friend for coffee, leave your phone!
  • Out of sight, out of mind. Put your phone or tablet in a drawer, cupboard or some other place out of eyesight.

It’s so important to connect with the world around us, and not just through a screen. When we are able to successfully disconnect, we are able to better appreciate the people in our lives, the world around us, and in turn feel a more genuine sense of content and calm. What’s your excuse for not disconnecting in 2015?

How Yoga Can Help Anxiety

Sweaty palms, churning stomach, racing heart… does it all seem too familiar? Anxiety can have many negative effects on one’s day-to-day life, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Many people have found that practicing simple yoga poses can actually help to alleviate the anxiety they face regularly. Here are three aspects to incorporate into your life.

Pranayama (Breathing)

The simple act of mindful breathing can be extremely helpful in the reduction of anxiety. Deep breathing increases oxygen levels in the blood supply which in turn reduces toxins in the body.

Here are some tips to find and improve your yogic breath.



Though the practice of yoga initially described asanas as a sitting pose, it eventually came to refer to any posture restoring and maintaining the practitioner’s well-being. Asanas physically release the tensions that anxiety creates and helps to take your mind off of worries and fears. Additionally, asanas can help you to let go of things. Once you fall out of the position, you are forced to accept imperfection and reattempt.

If you apply yoga philosophy in your life; stay happy and enjoy every moment, this is a secret to happy and healthy living!

The 10 Most Peaceful Beaches from Around the World

Now that summer is over and the weather is starting to cool down, you’re probably dreaming of a beautiful beach paradise somewhere far away. All over the world, there are scenic beaches just waiting for you to escape to! We’ve collected some of the most peaceful photographs of our favorite beaches to help you find some relaxation in your daily life. Gain some inner peace as you look at these photos and meditate on the quieter moments in your life. Maybe you’ll even find the perfect spot for your next vacation!


Peaceful Beach
Source: Reddit.com

Coron, Palawan, Philippines.


Peaceful Beach
Source: Reddit.com

Sango Bay, Durness, Scotland.


Source: Reddit.com
Source: Reddit.com

La Jolla Shores, San Diego, California.


Beautiful Mexican Beach
Source: Reddit.com

Baja California, Mexico.


Beautiful Australian Beach
Source: Reddit.com

Brighton Beach, Adelaide, Australia.


New York Beach
Source: Reddit.com

Ditch Plains, Montauk, New York.


Beautiful Barbados Beach
Source: Reddit.com

Palm and Rocks, Barbados.


Greece Beach
Source: Reddit.com

Porto Katsiki Beach, Lefkada Island, Greece.


Oregon Beach
Source: Reddit.com

Cannon Beach, Oregon.


Barbados Beach
Source: Pinterest.com/cranebarbados

The Crane, Barbados.

Did we miss your favorite spot? Share it with us on Twitter!


Laughing Positive Couple

Why Our Sterling Silver Series is the Perfect Fit for You

Have you heard? Our Sterling Silver Series of QRay bracelets are some of our most exciting options yet! These bracelets will help you look great and feel even better with a fantastic combination of style and comfort. The best part about our Sterling Silver Series is that each bracelet is uniquely designed to fit your lifestyle. Which one will you choose?

Pearl 925 Silver – The Fashionista

This sleek bracelet is perfect for you if you love putting together stylish outfits! Featuring a beautiful gemstone, the Pearl 925 Silver is lightweight and always looks classy. Bring a new level of elegance to your wardrobe with this form fitting piece. Wear it on your next night out or look like you just walked off the runway all the time!

Love Knot Sterling Silver – The Romantic

Do you love being in love? Are you fascinated by the awesome power of nature? Either way, this is your ideal bracelet if you find meaning in those larger than life feelings that bring us happiness! The Love Knot Sterling Silver is an amazing example of intricate modern design. This double banded silver cuff bracelet will always remind you of the important things in life and keep you focused on the positivity in your day!

Hammer Sterling Silver – The Athlete

You know the value of living right and looking good. The Hammer Sterling Silver bracelet is an excellent choice for your active lifestyle and can help you achieve balance between your fitness, wellness, and relationships. Crafted with a low profile design to allow for maximum function, this bracelet will fit your lifestyle as easily as it will slide onto your wrist. Find your center within your busy life and focus on what really matters!

Which bracelet will you choose? Let us know! For more QRay products, please visit our online store.