Tag Archives: zen

How To Feng Shui Your Home

Have you ever walked into a space and been overwhelmed with a sense of calm, and the sense that the space just… worked? That’s the power of feng shui! With a few easy steps, you can channel good fortune and good energy into your home. Here are a few recommendations for your living areas: feng shui

Natural Flow:You want to create a space that enables energy to flow freely throughout the room. To create this sense of ease and fluidity, imagine if a stream of water were to be running throughout the space. Would it encounter many obstacles, or would it be able to carve an easy path?

Let It Shine: You want to enable as much light as possible – especially natural light! Attempt to brighten dull or dark areas of the room with mirrors and clear, bright lighting. Try to avoid fluorescent or yellow tinged, unnatural lighting. Halogen bulbs are a great way to mimic natural light.

Plants: For a healthy chi it’s important to incorporate as many plants as you can into your living space. This is an integral principle when it comes to energy flow.

Close Off: In order to maintain energy balance, ensure that doors to other rooms are closed off.

Pristine Presence: Arguably the cardinal rule of having good feng shui is being clutter free. Have very clear organization and do your best to have a knick-knack free living space.  This creates a better energy and also appears to be more inviting.

Furniture: Though you may not think about this when purchasing your furniture, its composition means a lot in terms of how it makes you feel. For example, chairs and couches with high backs and sides give a feeling of safety and protection. Additionally, placement is key. Never have a chair or couch with its back to the door. Always have your seating facing the door!

Red: Work the color red into your living spaces to help channel wealth and prosperity.

Last but not least, remember that a happy home is always where there is harmony between people. With these words in mind, we encourage you to adopt a few of these wellness-inducing measures into your home! Are you looking to channel your energy and find inner calm? Consider a QRay bracelet! Learn more about the benefits of QRay.

Banishing Anxiety Without Medication

In today’s world, it seems as though our entire lives exist within the realm of our smartphones and computers. We are continually checking our gadgets for updates on what our friends are doing, who commented on our picture, and if work has sent a new e-mail. This constant inundation of information is enough to drive anyone crazy; so it should come as no surprise that people today are more stressed and anxious than ever before. While medication is a viable option for some to ease their anxiety, it certainly isn’t for everyone. Many people who have tried anti-anxiety medications complain of feeling groggy and almost zombie-like. So what are the alternatives? We’ve put together some holistic approaches to help banish your anxiety without medication!

qray depression


(Un) Social Butterfly

While social media is a guilty pleasure for almost everyone, the social anxiety that accompanies it can often wreak havoc on our nerves. From stumbling across an old flame’s vacation pictures, to having an acquaintance write a critical comment on an article you shared, social media can be an emotional minefield. The communication aspect of technology poses a whole other realm of anxiety. Waiting to hear back after a first date, office communication, and attempting to make group plans is just another layer of anxiety that technology provides. Navigating our many devices and social media accounts tends to be taxing to our well-being and general sense of calm. While some may suggest going on a ‘tech-detox’, this may not be the best approach for everyone. In taking a large chunk of time tech-free, you’re likely to have increased anxiety wondering about missed calls, unanswered e-mails, or unliked posts. Instead, try to abstain from checking your phone or computer for small increments of time. Start with 15 minutes, and slowly leave more and more time before checking your devices.

Get on Up

The benefits of regular exercise are numerous! A Princeton study has shown that physical activity creates excitable neurons in the hippocampus, an area of the brain that is involved in thinking, memories, and emotional responses. Furthermore, the study showed that exercise is able to reduce anxiety in both humans and animals. Researchers were able to determine this by conducting a study on runners and sedentary mice. The comparison revealed that runners’ brains were bursting with new, excitable neurons, while the mice’s brains did not. Of these new neurons in the runners’ brains, a number of them released the neurotransmitter GABA, which essentially prevents too many neurons in the brain from firing, thereby keeping you calm. Aside from the scientific aspects of working out, exercise can help you reach goals, gain confidence, increase your social interactions, and cope in a positive way! So the next time you have a big deadline or a fight with your partner, go out and take a lap around your neighbourhood!

Sit Still

As important as it is to be active and get your brain firing anxiety-reducing neurons, it’s also important to find your calm. Although, as prior noted, being active is an incredible outlet for those who suffer from anxiety, it’s important to be able to manage your stress and emotions. Sitting still during an anxious episode will force you to focus on your thoughts, mental state, and relaxation techniques. If you’ve never practiced any type of meditation before, there are a few things to know. Meditation can be as simple as sitting in a quiet, comfortable place. Simply focus on the act of breathing and controlling your breath. Deep breathing and meditation go hand in hand, and developing a rhythm will help your body to achieve a meditative state. Meditation does not give instant results, it takes dedication and perseverance, so dedicate yourself to mindfulness and you will get better at controlling and calming your mind!

Write It Out

One of the best ways to understand the millions of thoughts running through your head is to chronicle them. Having an ongoing record of how you felt on certain days and how things impacted you is a great way to help understand who we are. Make this a fun venture by picking out a beautiful notebook. Then, write everyday for about 20 minutes cataloging your day and your thoughts. Ask yourself, what am I telling myself? How anxious do I feel today? What triggered my anxiety? On a scale of 1-10, how bad is my anxiety? Even if it initially feels awkward and forced, developing the habit of writing will help you to understand the connection between your thoughts and your anxiety.

If you’re constantly looking ways to improve yourself and your wellbeing, we encourage you to learn more about the QRay difference

How To Detox Your Home

Man in living room

You know what they say: your home is your castle. So why allow bad energy to cluster and crowd in your sacred space? Chemicals can be found in air freshener, plastics, furniture and other foreign substances that pollute the air in our homes. Though air purifiers are an effective option, sometimes the best route is a holistic one. Here are some options to help naturally detoxify your home:


When bamboo is baked at very high temperatures, it transforms into a charcoal-like substance. Charcoal is excellent at absorbing not only odours, but also potentially hazardous chemicals like ammonia. These are called ‘bamboo briquettes’ and are an excellent environmentally friendly option that has been used throughout Asia for hundreds of years.


In addition to adding a lovely burst of green to your home, plants also help to clean the air in your house – sometimes in as little as a day! Houseplants are capable of removing tricky toxins such as cigarette smoke and even carbon monoxide. In fact, NASA scientists conducted a study to demonstrate the incredible power of plants in the detoxification of air. Wondering what the top three plants were? English ivy, golden pothos and boston fern!


100% real beeswax candles clean the air while they burn. As the candles burn, they create negative ions, which neutralize positive ions (allergens and airborne toxins) and produce a similar cleansing effect to houseplants. Remember, only 100% beeswax candles will work (most candles actually add to the toxicity of the air in your home).

Himalayan Salt Lamp

These lamps are exactly what they sound like – large chunks of Himalayan salt with a small light bulb placed inside. As the light bulb heats up the salt and gently releases salt particles, the salt particles neutralize toxins in the air and eliminate unpleasant odours. Additionally, many find the warm, glowing light of the salt lamp to be very therapeutic.

Preventative Measures

  • Remove shoes when entering the home
  • Use green/eco-friendly cleaners
  • Filter your water
  • Be conscious of purchasing synthetic materials throughout the home


Do you have helpful tips for detoxifying the home? Feel free to share them with us on our Facebook page!

5 Tranquil Places To Inspire Zen

A picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes a picture is also enough to inspire none. Sometimes the mere glance at a tranquil space, a calm pond, or a lush forest is enough to quiet the mind. In saying that, we’d like to share 5 tranquil places that we feel will inspire an inner state of Zen.

  1. The sun setting on a beachy paradise


  1. Mossy rocks embedded in a beautiful glassy ocean


  1. A cotton candy sky nirvana


  1. A sleepy mountain in the background of a lake of glass


  1. A sailboat slowly adrift into the setting sun

869d36ca297931af6cda57ea9474dc7f     Do you have a favorite tranquil image? Share it with us! To learn more about the benefits of QRay on your well-being, click here.

How To Go From 10 To Zen

Your daily life is busy and your mind is often crowded with useless stress. A messy mind and thought process often prevent us from being our happiest and most content self. In order to quiet your mind and calm your soul, here is a checklist to go from 10 to Zen:

  1. Let go of comparing
  2. Let go of competing
  3. Let go of judgments
  4. Let go of anger
  5. Let go of regrets
  6. Let go of worrying
  7. Let go of blame
  8. Let go of guilt
  9. Let go of fear
  10. Have a proper belly laugh at least once a day (especially if it’s about your inability to let go of any of the above)

Try it out for yourself and let us know how it works for you!