The Truth About Coffee

Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning has become as commonplace as brushing our teeth or taking a shower. Each morning, the lines in Starbucks and other coffee shops wrap around the store as people queue up to get their much needed caffeine fix to get them through their morning. Without the familiar feeling of a coffee cup in our hand, we feel lost, disoriented and most importantly, sleepy.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock
Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

There’s no denying the jolt in energy that coffee can provide, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy for us. There are a number of side effects from coffee consumption, including:

-          Increase in gray hair and hair loss

-          Tightening of muscles, dilated pupils, increased pulse rate and   constricted blood vessels

-          Acid reflux and heartburn

-          Inability to sleep, resulting in sleepiness the next day

If you’d like to try a more natural, healthier alternative to give yourself an energy boost, here are some suggestions:

  1. Chewing gum – It increases your heart rate
  2. Green Tea – It still contains caffeine, but a more modest amount
  3. Change your lighting – If your office lighting is dim, try to change to bright lighting to help increase your concentration
  4. Get a QRay Bracelet – It works in tandem with a healthy diet and regular sleep schedule to give you a natural energy boost

We all need a pick-me-up, especially on those dreadful Monday mornings, but you should ensure that the method you choose is good for your body. There are a number of benefits to living a natural life, so if you’re ready to live life more naturally (and positively!), there’s no better time to make a change than right now.


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