National Simplify Your Life Week

The first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week, a week for you to de-stress and re-organize. When we’re busy, it can be hard to find the time to sit down and take a breather. When you’re stressed and disorganized, it makes you unhappy, and most likely not a positive person to be around. However, once you take the time to simplify your life, you’ll instantly be happier and more positive.

A simplified week looks different to all of us, but it’s about finding what works and what keeps you stress-free.

to-do list


Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

What can you do to make your life simpler? Get started with these tips:

  1. Plan your day the night before
  2. Cook in bulk
  3. Keep a to-do list
  4. Have a designated space for everything
  5. Learn to say “no”
  6. Use a calendar
  7. De-clutter your home

Put a plan in place that works for you, and stick to it! You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what a positive impact it will have on your everyday life.

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