Why Quotes Inspire Us

“Life is a journey, not a destination” – Steven Tyler

Have you ever wondered why we like quotes so much? It always seems as though we read them when we need them the most. Ever read a quote and felt as though it spoke to you? You’re not the only one. Many of us can admit that we’ve read words or heard a song that felt as though it was written just for us.

quote on book spines


Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

We like quotes as well, which you’ve probably already noticed from our Facebook page. Each week, we share positive quotes to help give you a little bit of motivation and positivity for your day. We know that sometimes you just need that extra boost, and that reading the right quote at the right time can really help.

Why are quotes so popular, though? If you go on Pinterest, you can find millions of quotes about virtually any topic, with tons of repins (We also have a board on Pinterest where you can find a number of quotes about Happiness!). So, why do they inspire us? Sometimes we’re not always able to put how we’re feeling into words. We know that we feel mad or upset, but we can’t quite figure out exactly how to put it into words. Quotes compartmentalize particular values and wisdoms that are relatable. We may have a million thoughts running through our head, but a quote is able to fit all of your emotions into one simple sentence. When we come across that perfect song lyric or quote, it can have the power to stop us in our tracks and make us reflect on our life.

What’s your favourite quote? Leave a comment below or share it with us on Facebook!

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