The Amazing Benefits of Meditation on your Brain

The positive effects of mediation on the mind, body and soul have long been a central part of many Buddhist’s lives. What you may not know is that there are many incredible benefits to your actual brain!

Closeup on laptop and relaxing business woman in background

How does meditation stimulate the brain?

A study has shown that MRI images are able to highlight the change in beta-wave activity after a mere 20 minutes of meditation. Take a look at how the various parts of the brain become stimulated by meditation:

  • Your Frontal Lobe: If you’re familiar with the anatomy of the brain, you will know that your frontal lobe helps us with self-awareness, planning, emoting and reasoning. During meditation, this area of the brain quiets and almost turns off. On account of this, quieting oneself is the ability to detach one’s mind from their ‘self’.
  • Your Thalamus: The thalamus coordinates our senses and sends them from different parts of the body to the brain. During meditation, the sending of information is found to slow the rate of sensory information.
  • Your Parietal Lobe: The parietal lobe processes the information sent by the thalamus. Additionally, it gives you the sense of time and space. Similar to the effect on the thalamus, the processing of information is slowed.
  • Reticular Information: Responsible for keeping the brain alert based on the stimuli received. Again, this area of the brain is slowed down during meditation.

So, what are the benefits?

Whereas ‘Alpha waves’ are associated with an aroused, heightened state of mind, it is shown that during meditation mainly ‘Theta waves’ are shown. Theta waves show a slowed, relaxed state of mind. Here are 5 areas of your life that meditation can benefit:

  • Grey Matter – Though there is no conclusive evidence, it has been suggested by some studies that meditation increases the amount grey matter in the front of one’s brain. So what does this mean? Thicker grey matter increases both your focus, emotional stability, compassion and self-awareness.
  • Anxiety – When you find yourself in an anxiety inducing or upsetting situation it is your prefrontal cortex that makes you feel scared or anxious. Meditation eases this area of your brain so that when a reaction is triggered, it is not as intense and reduces pangs of anxiety. Meditation then allows for you to look at the situation from a more rational standpoint.
  • ResilienceResearchers from Wisconsin-Madison University took MRI’s of Tibetan monk’s brains and discovered that there is actually a very deep-rooted connection between resilience and meditation. There is a part of your brain called the amygdala that largely controls emotional reactions and emotional memory. This study showed that from meditation the amygdala was able to recover more quickly from emotional stress or trauma.
  • Stress – One of the biggest benefits of meditation is reduction of stress. In 2012 a group of researchers split a study group into three. One practicing mindful meditation, one practicing body relaxation training and the last group was given no training at all. The researchers then gave all three groups a multi-tasking task intended to induce stress. The results showed that the group that practiced mindful meditation showed significantly less stress than the other two groups.
  • Creativity – Leiden University in the Netherlands produced a study finding that people who practiced open-monitoring meditation performed better at tasks requiring creativity and the production of new ideas. Alternatively, the study also finds that those who practice focus-attention meditation do not receive the benefit of boosted creativity. The study notes however that creativity is an incredibly difficult thing to both measure and study.

What else can meditation effect?

A new study in Scientific American has suggested that meditating not only affects your synapses, but can also change your DNA! To delve further, it states that mindful meditation was shown to have an effect on DNA in certain breast cancer patients. The study elaborates in saying, “In Carlson’s study distressed breast cancer survivors were divided into three groups. The first group was randomly assigned to an 8-week cancer recovery program consisting of mindfulness meditation and yoga; the second to 12-weeks of group therapy in which they shared difficult emotions and fostered social support; and the third was a control group, receiving just a 6-hour stress management course. A total of 88 women completed the study and had their blood analyzed for telomere length before and after the interventions. Telomeres were maintained in both treatment groups but shortened in controls.”

Next time you feel stress coming on in your life, remember all the benefits that meditation can bring and give it a try!

10 Inspiring Quotes to Uplift You


  1. “I am not what I have done, I am what I have overcome.”


  1. “It’s not who you think you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”


  1. “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”



  1. “Expect nothing and appreciate everything.”


  1. Your wings already exist, all you have to do is fly.” 65841d7ee520295544f9138b00818599
  1. “Life is like a cup of tea… it’s all about how you make it…”


  1. “Do one thing every day that scares you.”


  1. “Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.”


  1. “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein


10.  “Run free and fearless into the future.”


 Do you have any other favorite quotes that inspire you? Share them with us on Facebook!

The Best Herbs and Spices to Improve Your Health

It’s no secret that herbs and spices hold the key to a plethora of health benefits. Many naturopathic doctors use a wide variety of herbs for their medicinal and healing properties. Here are some of the best ones to aid your health!


Sage – Though often used in cooking, sage can soothe sore throats and alleviate upset stomachs. To utilize this herbs properties, sip sage tea or spray a sore throat with sage solution.

Ginger – Not only great for nausea and motion sickness, ginger is also incredibly helpful in stimulating the body to release the proper enzymes needed to effectively break down food so that nutrients can be absorbed.

Rosemary – Rosemary can help with both alertness and memory, especially when memory recall is needed. Additionally, rosemary is used in many meat rubs and marinades for a good reason. Rosemary helps to prevent meat from spoiling, as well as other unwanted bacteria, perhaps making cooking even healthier!

Dandelion – On account of compounds called flavonoids, both the root and the leaves of the dandelion may be used for a wide variety of healing purposes such as cleaning the liver, acne, diabetes, anemia and even premenstrual symptoms.

Turmeric – In India, turmeric is a highly revered spice on account of its health and healing principles. Turmeric paste is applied to wounds to speed healing, and people often sip turmeric tea to relieve cold and flu symptoms. Even modern medicine supports that it has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties!

Parsley – Rethink that garnish the next time you see it on the side of your plate! Parsley has an extremely high amount of chlorophyll. This can help with anti-inflammation, as well as to clear toxins and boost immunity!

What are your favorite herbs and spices? Share them with us!

5 ‘Meat’ Dishes That Are Actually Vegan

Being a vegan doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy dishes that are traditionally made with meat! There are plenty of delicious and healthy meat substitutes that taste just as good (if not better than the real thing!) Here are 5 of our favorite recipes to try out!

  1. ‘Meat’ loaf with crispy onion rings and mashed potatoes


  1. Kimchi and Coconut ‘Bacon’ Grilled Cheese


  1. Black Bean Burgers


  1. Pulled ‘Pork’ BBQ Burgers


  1. Baja ‘Fish’ Tacos with Lime Cumin Slaw


12 Awe Inspiring Winter Landscape

  1. The transition between autumn and winter  (via Reddit)

winter forest and mountains

2.   Winter in Colorado, ‘Garden of the Gods’  (via Reddit)

winter mountains

3.  Cliffs ablaze with sunshine in Yosemite Nation Park  (via Reddit)

winter river

4.  Winter majesty of Moraine Park (via Reddit)

winter pine trees and lake

5.  A kaleidoscope sunset in Ceahlău Massif in Romania  (via Reddit)

incredible winter sunset

6.  A peaceful scene in the Alps  (via Reddit)

snow covered mountain peaks

7.  A glowing winter sunrise in the Maroon Bells Wilderness (via Reddit)

sunset on mountain lake

8.  Hauntingly beautiful, Southern Montana  (via Reddit)

frosty forest river

9.  The clam Netherlands countryside (via Reddit)

winter creek

10.  Glowing slopes of Telluride  (via Reddit)

winter mountain top

11.  Almost doesn’t look real  (via Reddit)

turquoise lake of alberta

12.  Frozen desert of Utah  (via Reddit)

desert winter

5 Cute Cats to Make You Smile

 Sometimes a cute picture of a furry little friend can add an enormous amount of positivity to your day!


  1. Is there something in my eye?” (via Reddit)

silly cat

  1. Someone found an unlikely new friend  (via Reddit)

fluffy white kitty

  1. The snuggles are real  (via Reddit)

cuddling cats

  1. It’s that time of year again!  (via Reddit)

santa kitty

  1. Snuggle Buddies  (via Reddit)



5 Secrets for a Happy Winter

happy winter couple


  1. Stay Active! In the winter it can be difficult to find the energy to keep up with your fitness routine. To combat this, buddy up and find a friend who’s willing to tag along and motivate you. Winterize your workout routine and buy some winter workout clothes to help you muster up that extra motivation!
  1. Keep Social It can be awfully tempting to hide away and hibernate in the winter months, but it’s important to stay social! Socializing can be a powerful way to boost your mood and keep morale up during the winter months. Call up a buddy or two and hibernate together with some Christmas movies and hot cocoa, or engage in a winter activity like ice-skating!
  1. Eat Healthy During the winter months it’s natural to want to eat warm, heavy foods that fill us up. Fatty and sugary comfort foods can mess with your blood sugar levels and actually leave you crankier than before you indulged! Instead, indulge in foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, whole grains, veggies and protein!
  1. Light it up! The National Institute of Mental Health found that exposure to bright light in the early morning can be a powerful and effective treatment for seasonal depression. So as soon as you wake up, throw open your curtains and turn on all the lights in your bedroom! Additionally, scented candles or a fireplace also act as a calming, soothing feature in the evenings.
  1. Supplement The lack of sunlight among other things in the winter can leave a nutritional gap. It’s important to stock up on the appropriate vitamins before the winter months hit in order to stay as happy and healthy as possible. Vitamin D, fish oils, Vitamin B12 and a good multi-vitamin are all great ways to supplement your winter nutrition!

Do you have a special way that you keep positive and healthy during the winter months? We’d love to hear! Share them with us on our Facebook or Twitter page!

Yoga Poses for Simple Stress Relief

1)     Cat Pose

As depicted, place wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. This pose will gently massage the spine as well as your belly organs, therefore acting as a powerful stress reliever.

cat pose


2)     Standing Forward Bend

Although this position is usually used to transition between poses, it also stretches out your hips, thighs and hamstrings. Additionally, it is said to relieve stress, fatigue, and mild depression.

standing forward bend

3)     Savasana

This pose is easily considered the most calming part of most one’s yoga experience. The body and mind become totally at ease.

Woman resting in Shavasana

4)     Legs-Up-Wall Pose

This pose is traditionally thought to slow the aging process as well as relieve stress.

Limbering up

5)     Seated Forward Bend

This position can help you alleviate a distracted mind and help you to unwind. In addition to stretching the hamstrings, spine and lower back, it will also aid in stress and anxiety relief.

seated forward bend

6)     Child’s Pose

By resting your head on the ground this pose will allow you to lower your anxiety. This pose can be done with arms stretched out in front of you or against your sides.

childs pose

7)     Mountain Pose

This pose will help keep you in focus and feel a sense of grounding. This will strengthen your whole body and give you peace of mind

mountain pose

8)     Cobra

The opening of your chest while in cobra position will bring about almost instant stress relief. This pose will help you to feel centered and lighter.

woman in cobra pose

Do you have any yoga poses that help you keep positive and stress-free? Feel free to share them with us on Facebook!

Diet Tips for Cold Prevention

As the winter season is upon us, it is no secret that cold and flu season is upon us as well. While we may think we know all there is about cold prevention, here are a few tips to ensure you stay in tip-top shape throughout the winter months!

winter diet tips

1)      Eat Phytochemical Rich Foods

Phyto means ‘plant’ and this natural chemical in plants gives vitamins found in food a super charge! This means don’t sub in vitamins or supplements – go for the real deal. Lots of dark green, leafy veggies this winter!

2)    Cut down on alcohol intake!

Alcohol effectively suppresses the immune system and dehydrates the body. Neither of these things make it likely that your body will be able to fend off cold and flu attacks. Cut back and improve your chances of staying healthy!

3)    Garlic, garlic, garlic!

Garlic is well known to boost your immune system and increases resistance to infection. Bryan Rade, a naturopathic doctor based in Halifax. “If you happen to come in contact with a flu virus, [garlic] can help destroy it before it becomes a full-blown flu in the body.” Cooking Tip: Make sure when using garlic in your cooking to crush with the side of your knife in order to release the immune boosting juices into your cooking! An alternative, if you’re brave enough, is to chew a raw clove of garlic every 3-4 hours to get the maximum benefits of garlic!

4)    Lots of Liquids

Any (decaffeinated) liquid will keep your mucous membranes moist, whereas dry nasal passages and throat can be a breeding ground for cold and flu bugs. When your mucous membranes are moist, they are then able to trap the cold and flu viruses. Another tip, when choosing a juice, make sure to choose unsweetened or low-sugar juices!

5)      Honey

If you start to feel a cold coming on, skip the usual cough medicine and try some old fashioned honey! It is suggested that one to two tablespoons straight from the jar mixed into a cup of tea can be just as (if not more) effective!

6)      Don’t Cut Calories
A study in mice showed that mice who were on low calorie diets took longer to recover from cold and flu symptoms than those not, so skip the diet until after flu season!

7)      Vitamin D
For people who are not deficient in vitamin D, it can be a great prevention tool, but for the 40% of people in Canada  and the US who are deficient, it can be nothing short of miraculous in terms of preventing cold, flu and respiratory infections. The winter months are short on the sunshine, and therefore leave us low on vitamin D. In order to ensure you’re getting enough, eat lots of oily fish such as trout, salmon and tuna!

8)      Spice it up!
People tend to forget that spices are a treasure trove of health benefits. In terms of cold and flu, there are numerous spices (maybe in your kitchen right now!) that can keep cold and flu symptoms at bay. Doctors suggest that adding spices such as oregano, mustard and thyme to your everyday cooking can actually help to boost your immune system!

9)      More fruit!
In the winter months, people tend to neglect their fruits and veggies, which is the exact opposite of what you should be doing! Studies suggest, “People who ate three or more servings daily had 25% fewer days with respiratory symptoms during cold-and-flu season than those who ate one or fewer. The vitamin C content may provide part of the punch, but fruit also contains polyphenols, which have antiviral properties.”

10)  Protein!
The less protein you intake the more of an effect it will have on your immune system! Protein is the building blocks of infection fighting antibodies, so it’s an important factor in cold and flu prevention. Fish and yogurt are all relatively high in protein and make a great supplement to your existing diet.

In addition to a healthy diet, you can also optimize your natural positive energy with a QRay bracelet! To learn more about our product, visit our website! Have any other tips for beating cold and flu season? Share them with us on Twitter or Facebook!

11 of the Most Tranquil Forests

1)     Capilano Suspension Bridge, Vancouver, BC  (via

Suspension Bridge

2)     Peaceful woods of California (via

nature's staircase

3)     Exotic beauty of the amazong (via

tropical foliage

4)     Tranquil Calm in Alaska (via

mountain forest lake

5)     Lush Green Foliage (via

lush green forest trail

6)     Beautiful old Watewheel (via

old water wheel


7)     Awe Inspiring Greenery in Vietnam (via

mountain valley


8)     An Incredible National Park in Croatia (via

lush forest with lake

9)     Eerie Beauty in Mississippi (via

eerie swamp


10)  A Babbling Brook in Sweden (via

clam babbling brook

11)  Beautiful Milford Track in New Zealand (via

mountain brook

Have you been inspired by any other tranquil forests? Share them with us on Facebook!